ID: 25898
Código de inserción:
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Categoría: Informática
Clasificación Unesco: Ciencias tecnológicas
Descripción: Finally, we compare rows from the table that was been modified while source DB2 was clonned.
Josep Vidal - System Programmer. For more questions you can reach me at: .
Etiquetas: Online DB2 Z/OS Cloning clone subsystem LPAR
Resolucion: 1024 x 1024
Puntuación: Sense puntuacio (puntuar).
Licencia CC: No asignada
Visitas: 1105
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The main purpose of this video-tutorial is to show you how to clone a DB2 subsystem to other subsystem running in the same Z/OS LPAR. Each step is explained with a video (screen cast). It is supossed that you have two DB2 subsystems, in this case DB8G (source) and DBF (target), both up & running. The procedure is automated in three main steps contained in library SYSADM.ODBCLONE. First step is related with the physical COPY from SOURCE datasets to TARGET DB2 datasets. While the remaining, are related with making target DB2 BSDS & CATALOG consistent with the location of the DATASETS copied from source subsystem
2.- Configuración reverse proxy pound: Fichero /etc/default/pound: cambiar el parámetro startup a 1 (startup=1) Fichero /etc/pound/pound: Cambiar la directiva ListenHttp para que la IP y el puerto en el que escucha el reverse proxy sean la y el 80 respectivamente: ListenHTTP Address Port 80 y y añadir los dos servidores http backends (p390 y zeus) al servicio de balanceo: Service BackEnd Address Port 80 End BackEnd Address Port 80 End End Finalmente procedemos a levantar el servicio de balanceo con el comando: /etc/init.d/pound start
Com afegir items a una col·lecció amb Omeka
Finally, we compare rows from the table that was been modified while source DB2 was clonned. Josep Vidal - System Programmer. For more questions you can reach me at: .