STEP 0: Initial Scenario

Data d'actualització: 02/09/2011 10:46:16

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ID: 25893
Código de inserción:
<video poster="" controls="" autoplay="" autobuffer="" controlslist="nodownload">
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Categoría: Informática RSS Informática
Clasificación Unesco: Ciencias tecnológicas
Descripción: The main purpose of this video-tutorial is to show you how to clone a DB2 subsystem to other subsystem running in the same Z/OS LPAR. Each step is explained with a video (screen cast). It is supossed that you have two DB2 subsystems, in this case DB8G (source) and DBF (target), both up & running. The procedure is automated in three main steps contained in library SYSADM.ODBCLONE. First step is related with the physical COPY from SOURCE datasets to TARGET DB2 datasets. While the remaining, are related with making target DB2 BSDS & CATALOG consistent with the location of the DATASETS copied from source subsystem
Etiquetas: Online DB2 Z/OS Cloning clone subsystem LPAR
Resolucion:  1920 x 1080  16:9
Puntuación: Sense puntuacio (puntuar).
Licencia CC: No asignada
Visitas: 1336

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11.- Instalacion zlinux. Finalización de la instalacion

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STEP 2.1 Change log inventory HLQ:

This is automated with job RBLDLOGI which prints DBF.BSDS01 log inventory, reads its output (SYSADM.TEMP.PRNTBSDS) and generates a JOB (SYSADM.TEMP.JU004) to: 1.-) Change BSDS HLQ 2.-) Delete LOGCOPIES with source HLQ 3.-) Create new LOGCOPIES with target HLQ and START/END RBAs taken from log inventory output. At this point we can start target system.Target DB2 subsystem is started in MAINTENACE MODE: /-DBF START DB2 ACCESS(MAINT)

4.- Instalación zlinux. Elección del mirror de la debian

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